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Brief Tutorial on Information Visualization

IAG-USP - São Paulo, Brazil

AGA 0513

Slides available at AGA0513

This repository holds the scripts used to illustrate some visualiuzation methods in R

If you use any of the resources presented here, please include the appropriate citation.

Getting Started

The tutorial is composed of theoretical and practical modules.

The examples are demonstrated in R but familiarity with the language is not a requirement.

In order to optimize the time spent in the examples and practical applications, I advise the participants to get the following software up and running in advance.

For Linux users

If you are using Linux, make sure to add the appropriate repository before installing.

Open the file /etc/apt/sources.list with your favorite text editor and add the following line:

deb trusty/

For deeper instructions and other Linux flavours see this page.

Then, in the command line do:

sudo apt-get update

Do not worry if you got a couple of error messages. This is not significant for our purpouses. The other steps should work as planned despite of them.

To install R go to the command line and type:

sudo apt-get install r-base

In order to get Rstudio choose the appropriate version from this page.

After download is completed double click in the .deb file. This will automatically open Ubuntu Software Center. Click on Install.

R packages

Once Rstudio is installed you will need a few R packages.

These can be done in 2 ways:

  • Using Rstudio toolbar:

    -Tools -> Install packages

    A window will pop-up where you can select:

    Choose from:

      Repository (CRAN)

    Packages (separate multiple with space or comma):

      ggplot2, reshape2, circlize, ggdendro,
      PerformanceAnalytics, ggthemes,
  • Alternatively, you can simply type in the Rstudio console window

    pac <-c("ggplot2","reshape2","circlize","ggdendro","ggthemes",


Licensed under the GPLv3.